The A – Z of WordPress Image Plugin

The increasing use of the internet has caused many things to become redundant. People have become heavily reliant on online services owing to the constant technological advancements in the world. Most of the things that we need today are readily available online. As a result, all website owners do their best to display a strategically optimised website for better search engine optimisation. In addition, images have become a vital part of any website, regardless of the platform used by the website owners.

Most websites need to deliver relevant, high-quality images to their website visitors as quickly as possible. Additionally, they also need the websites to look visually stunning to have a long-lasting impression on all visitors. It is pretty much straightforward for most WordPress users to manage images for their websites. However, there is always room for further improvements. So, there are many WordPress image plugins available online to help the case, of which FooGallery stands out the most.

FooGallery is the creation of FooPlugins. It is a very responsive plugin that allows users to create beautiful galleries on their websites. It gives them the ability to upload photos, videos, and other media files to develop a comprehensive gallery as per their need. The FooGallery Pro certainly offers more advanced and professional settings to the users, including spectacular preset templates.

Here are some of the great advantages of using FooGallery on your WordPress website.

Easy to Install

The WordPress plugin is undoubtedly hassle-free and quick to install. The compact file does not consume much time either.

The Getting Started Guide

This particular gallery creation and management tool comes with an informative getting start guide. When you open it for the first time, you get four tabs – getting started, PRO features, Demo, and Support. These teach you to use the plugin effectively.

Straightforward Gallery Creation

While it may seem challenging to create a gallery according to your taste, the process to build your desired gallery is straightforward using FooGallery. A quick ten-step process makes it an efficient way to make your gallery.

Albums for your Website

Having a collection of galleries, i.e. albums, might seem impossible at first, but FooGallery makes it insanely easy. It lets you add as many albums as you want with your preferred settings by enabling the album extension. You can even change your URL setting from Pretty to QueryString if your galleries do not load appropriately.

Support for Retina Images

You can find support for the retina-ready images in the FooGallery settings’ images tab. So, the pictures uploaded on the websites are ready for both regular and retina device screens. You do not need to go through the HTML resizing process separately.

NextGEN Importer Tool

You may have used the NextGEN galleries previously and switched to FooGallery. You might fret that you need to rebuild all the galleries again. But, no, you don’t need to do that. FooGallery has its importer tool that will allow you to import your NextGEN galleries with ease. It is available on both free and pro versions.

FooGallery Changelog

FooPlugins maintain a comprehensive changelog for their FooGallery. It details every change that takes place with updates. So, users are well-informed about new features or fixes that roll out.

Various Preset Template

FooGallery has wide-ranging templates available for its users. While some of them are free, others are accessible only on PRO versions. The templates are:

  • Responsive Image Gallery
  • Image Viewer Gallery
  • Masonry Image Gallery
  • Justified Gallery
  • Simple Portfolio
  • Single Thumbnail Gallery
  • Polaroid Pro Gallery
  • Grid Pro Gallery
  • Slider Pro Gallery

Appearance Settings vs Differences, Pros & Cons - WPExplorer

You can alter the look of your thumbnails through the appearance settings of FooGallery. You can add border size, rounded corners, drop and inner shadows, or you could include loading icons and effects.

Hover Effects

The Hover Effects change the look of your thumbnails whenever a visitor moves their cursor over them. You can add effect type, theme, colour and scaling effects, captions, and transitions on it. The PRO version also offers eleven preset hover effects.

Caption, Paging and Advanced Settings

The caption settings let the users set title, description, alt, captions to specific images and galleries. It also allows you to select the alignment. In addition, you can limit the length of captions for thumbnails.

Meanwhile, the paging settings let you decide the page type, size, position, theme, etc., for your website as you deem fit. PRO users can also avail themselves of the numbered paging, infinite scroll, and load more options.

On the other hand, the advanced settings allow several custom and advanced settings that users can tweak. Perhaps, the most notable one is the Lazy loading option which allows images to load as a user scrolls. It benefits the users greatly since it saves data and increases page loading speed.

Other Features

FooGallery also includes countless other features, such as the thumbnail custom external links, loading and loaded effects, HTML captions, Thumbnail Fill, Multi-level filtering, etc.

Comprehensive Package

While the accessible version of FooGallery is excellent for the beginner, the PRO version certainly includes a plethora of better services. Moreover, the PRO Expert version provides several additional facilities such as importing videos from YouTube or using oEmbed. Users can also include self-hosted videos.

FooPlugins offer a competitive pricing package to buy all their plugins in a bundle. It includes an image lightbox plugin known as FooBox Pro, a WordPress notification bar plugin known as FooBar Pro, and the FooGallery Pro starting with $89 per year.

Managing the images on the website is undoubtedly one of the most challenging aspects of running a website. Yet, FooGallery makes it a delight to work through the challenges and run an interactive website.